
UNICAArticol publicat in "UNICA"

UNICAThe Key to Success is to Believe in Yourself
Interview by Simion Buia, Jr.

When Bianca was 16, destiny suggested her that it is by her side, sending her a golden little heart in a glass of water taken from the sink. She believes in destiny and although she had a lot of sufferings due to meanness of people round her, Bianca has a drawer full of optimism, which she opens when she is very depressed. She is the champion of the proverb: “If it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger”. “The Key to Success, she says, is to believe in yourself, to be strong, and not hurt the people around you”.

-What have you done in the latest 5 years?
After finishing the faculty, I spent some time abroad, in Germany, from where I “escaped” to other countries, shooting movies for some German TV channels, such as SAT1 and PRO 7. In Germany I issued a CD. Sporadically, I came back to Romania and I presented TV shows, hosting Cerbul de Aur (The Golden Stag) and Top Model. I collaborated with the radio, I have been chosen as the image of LUX soap, I produced and marketed a video cassette entitled “The Art of Make-up”, which reveals tricks about make-up, I started to co-operate with “UNICA” and now I work for a few new projects, which I don’t want to reveal… yet.

-I would like you to define yourself as professional.
Due to the fact that I don’t play on the stage and movies aren’t made any longer, my acting talent was and is still contested by many of my trade colleagues. But it was said that I’d have “a good presence on the stage and sex appeal to the public, but that I am not exploited and valued accordingly”. To us, the value system is in some way upside down. There is still the system of backstairs influence, quality being on the second place. The organization of shows leaves much to be desired, too. I am very careful at details, I’m very punctual and therefore, I am very disappointed and angry by the work style from here. Many times, it happened to receive the list of the jury written illegible by hand with only a few seconds before coming on stage. I stayed for hours at rehearsals without food and drink. There are no impresarios, which leaves you in an awkward position when you go to negotiate alone. It happened to me to be told: “Do you want money? Isn’t it enough that you have the honor to be presented on the screen?” or I was even asked to offer my services just as a “friend”, even though we weren’t!!!

-How would you characterize yourself as a private person?
In spite of all appearances, I am shy, and I try to hide it by being very talkative. I am stubborn, easy-going, but persevering. I cannot stand to be deprived of liberty, but on the other hand I am very loyal. I like very much to laugh and to make the people around me feel good. For a long time, I wanted to be loved by everybody, to be kind, even with those who had hurt me. I have learned that you cannot satisfy equally all the people. Sometimes kindness, sincerity and common sense are qualities that many a time are considered as stupidity.

-Are you a superstitious person? Do you believe in destiny or in your guardian angel?
I believe that each person pays for what he or she does, sooner or later. As far as life after death is concerned, I think it is, otherwise, what is the purpose of good and bad? I should believe in my guardian angel after I have managed to survive an accident that had happened many years ago. I was in Slanic Prahova, on a motorbike with my cousin. We had been hit by a Dacia car. I couldn’t meet the driver. Everything was hushed up, as his wife was working for the Police. I haven’t received any compensation, although I had to be hospitalized. The guilty driver didn’t even apologize!

-Do you love people? What about animals?
I love people, although they continue to disappoint me. I love dogs and sometimes I would like people to resemble them. I would like people to be kinder, loyal, without falseness, without taking into account how you look or what is your social status.

-What do you do to be really sexy?
Sexy can be not only your clothes or shoes, but also your gestures, your look, your voice, your hairdo or your perfume. In clothing I prefer to let imagination and fantasy work, hiding my legs, but leaving a deep neck opening, or vice versa. I think a little mystery is always sexy!

-From 1998 and up to now, all the people knew you as a blond with long hair. How did you decide to change your image?
For years I have been thinking to have my hair cut and become russet. I was afraid I might look common. In the first year of university, I tried a color shampoo which, by mistake turned my hair into a very bright red. As a result, I was forbidden to participate in the rehearsals (I wasn’t even allowed to speak!). I was shocked by this reaction, but I didn’t give up this idea. Because in my life many changes had happened, in the last year I thought it was the time to change something in my appearance, too. Most of the people are changing first their look and after that their inner, but in my case, it happened in reverse order.
