
Auto MondialArticol publicat in "Auto Mondial"

Auto Mondial- Mai 2001 -

See you on Sunday
Interview by Mirela Pantelie

The world of the TV car shows gets a new dimension, once the actress Bianca Brad appears on the stage. I have watched the first performance of the production “Auto Mondial TV” before it was issued and I found the special touch of the star, who brought the TV viewer closer to a show meant to relax the people at the week-end, rather than to present excessive technical characteristics.

-As the star of the “Auto Mondial TV” show, at TV Oglinda, what novelties will you bring to make a difference?
Firstly, much more humor. I have many ideas which I hope I can put into practice, in due time, but I won’t reveal them yet. It has to be a surprise! I can tell you that I think not to have a very technical show, which can be watched with great pleasure by women, too.

-Do you watch the other shows of the same kind?
I acknowledge that up to now, I didn’t watch them from the beginning to the end. I watched only the cars that I liked very much. From now on, of course, I will watch all these shows with much more attention.

-Do you analyze what you do in comparison with the other presenters?
No. Each has her style and I believe that there is place for all of us. The competition is challenging, but I’ll try to offer the best of myself. Personally, I prefer the life shows, but I accepted this challenge, a style totally different of what I have done up to now, due to that fact that I very much like cars. I think this won’t change my image, won’t diminish my womanhood; it is just… something else.

-Will test the cars you present?
Oh, yes. I will be test driver, too! I like very much to drive and I think this is the best opportunity to test other cars.

-You have been chosen the member of the jury for the “Auto Martisor 2001 – Masina Anului pentru femei” (The Car of the Year), organized by the Union of Newspapermen and Auto Editors from Romania. What did you vote for?
I voted for Audi A3. But it didn’t seem fair to me to put Audi and Supernova side by side.

-What brand of car do you have?
Now I have BMW Series 3 Compact, which I received as a gift in ’95, on Christmas, from my ex-husband. In fact, my first car, a Dacia, was in a way, a gift, too. I received it as an award at the contest “Miss Beauty Princess”, in December ’90. That’s why I called it “Princess”.

-What do you like in a car?
To have a good starting, to be safe, to run well on the road, to have stability in curves, good traction, ABS, to be comfortable, to look good. I like it to be elegant and dynamic in the same time.

-Have you got many romantic remembrances with the cars?

-Do you know what to do in case of a breakdown; do you know to remove a sparking plug?
No, I don’t. I know just to put oil and water. I go to the service regularly to have it checked or for the breakdown repairs. Otherwise, I had no problems, except thieves.

-What kind of driver are you?
I don’t want to sound arrogant but I am a really good one! I just love to drive! Generally speaking, women are careful at the wheel of the car. I have a more aggressive style, in the sports sense of the word. I like to drive speedily, when it is possible and my car helps me, too. I get paid compliments from men, that we should admit, it is not something to be overlooked. And one more thing, I like to drive barefooted.

-What bothers you most in the traffic?
At most, the lack of education! I think, that at the auto exam, it should be introduced a test of manners. I drove a lot in Germany and when I came back to Romania, I was scared by the aggressive traffic. I don’t like vain men, who are disturbed by women who drive a more powerful car than them.

-Do you swear when you drive?
Until I began driving, I didn’t swear at all. “Damn” being the worst word I could have said. Now I improved my vocabulary, but I try to give up the sign with the finger and to solve everything with a smile.

-After “The car of the Year”, what impressed you most, when you joined the world of car operators?
At the first shooting for the show “Auto Mondial TV”. I drove with the wheel held tightly at maximum, in a circle, and I liked it very much.
