Articol publicat in "UNICA"
- Mai 2000 -
Barefoot in the grass
by Bianca Brad
Modest and always hidden
Our soles are subject
To pressure, cold, heat
And beware of corns…
“Unica” gives you exquisite advice
On how to have well kept soles.
I have recently watched
again an Eddie Murphy movie where his character had an obsession: no
matter how sexy the women he dated were, if their feet were not well
kept he ditched them without a second thought! I will not judge the
character, but this would be an interesting and rather rarely
approached subject: feet care!
Of all the body parts,
the most neglected are the feet, even though we owe them so much!
They allow us to walk, run, dance, jump with joy or exercise. At the
same time, they are very sensitive because the sole (as well as the
palm of the hand) displays a lot of nervous centers and a real
network of reflex areas. This is what the massage of reflex areas
principle is based on. You should take special care of them in order
to prevent corns and let them become “worn out” and insensitive.
After you wash them, clean and cut the nail, they immediately
disappear in socks and shoes, which, even though fashionable, are too
narrow and possibly made out of synthetic materials, which
automatically leads to the not so pleasant perspiration of the feet.
Feet are rarely pampered with a special cream, massage, to say
nothing of the light and sun. Against the unpleasant smell there are
deodorants, but they can close the pores and make things worse. High
heels, too narrow and synthetic shoes can lead to corn formation,
which is not only painful, but also unaesthetic. What can be done?
General rules:
Walk barefoot as
often as possible (but not on cold floors!);
Wear cotton or silk
socks or stockings in order to avoid sweat;
Don’t wear the same
shoes every day and vary the height of the heels.
Avoid fungi by drying
your soles and padding them with a special powder. In case you got a
fungus anyway, don’t delay visiting a specialist.
Give up the shoes
that hurt you or you will always have painful corns and your walk
will be affected, which, in time, may lead to spine problems. Don’t
forget that the face mimic is often influenced by the feet. If your
shoes hurt you, you will certainly wear a sore smile and a look to
match it.
Never buy shoes in
the morning, when your feet are rested. The afternoon is more
appropriate for this type of shopping.
The face hydration
mask can very well be used for the feet as well.
When removing the leg
hair take out the hairs on the thumb toe as well.
Soak your feet for
5-10 minutes in warm water to which you can add:
 lavender or sage –
for abundant sweating, as well as warm baths in an oak leaf
concoction or you can pad your feet with a mixture made of 5 g boric
acid powder and 20 g of talcum powder. Against the unpleasant smell,
add 12 drops of cypress oil in the water, and on warm days, the same
quantity of lavender oil in cold water…
 rosemary – for
tired, sore and hot feet put two drops of mint oil or a handful of
powder milk in the water you soak your feet in
 a handful of salt –
simple and effective in case of swollen feet, for improving the
circulation and against bacteria.
After the bath, peel
away the hard parts on the heels with a pumice or a special tool.
Cut toenails straight
and not around the edges in order to avoid spikes.
In order to protect
against bacteria don’t cut off the skin at the base of the nails
which has precisely this role. Against infections you can also use a
lavender oil based solution daily. The almond oil is also recommended
against infections.
Exercise by rotating
your feet, lifting yourself on the tip of your toes, moving and
pulling your toes. Lift different objects with your toes,
alternatively walk on the outer and on the inner edge of the foot.
Massage the toes, the
space between them and the sole using an oily cream or vitamin A.
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